Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jesus List

So tonight at bible study we were talking about Elijah and the prophets of Baal and somehow that led to Noah's ark (don't ask me how) and all of my college-age kids were trying to figure out what animals were on the ark, which (if any) animals missed the ark, and which animals were considered sea creatures and were left to fend for themselves in the oceans. Here are their thoughts/questions/hypotheses:

  • Unicorns were too busy playing and missed the ark, that's why they no longer exist.
  • because the unicorns no longer exist, people live shorter lives. (possible Harry Potter reference?)
  • Dinosaurs were too big to fit on the ark, thus their extinction.
  • were turtles on the ark? some think they were left out to sea
  • what age were the animals on the ark? (some think they were babies and that's why all the animals fit, cause they were small)
  • Who cleaned up the poop?
  • why are there only kangaroos in Australia?
  • did unicorns have wings? or were those Pegasus? and did Pegasus have a horn like a unicorn? if not what would you call Pegasus mixed with a unicorn? a Pegacorn or a uniasus? Liger sounds better than a it'd have to be a Pegacorn
My answer to all of these question: Don't worry about it anymore. Just make a list and whenever you get to heaven you can sit and ask Jesus about it....but then they kept asking questions so I said that they probably have an orientation group whenever you get to heaven. You walk in the pearly gates and St. Peter is standing there with a huge smile on his face saying "Welcome to Heaven, where you'll spend eternity with the Alpha and Omega! Here are your welcome packets and name tags, we'll be having several seminars throughout the week so we can go over some of those FAQs that I'm sure you all have. But don't worry you'll all get to see God the father and son soon enough and they'll be happy to answer any and all questions that you might still have. To begin our tour, I'll just have you follow me here down this street of gold..."

I don't know what happened to the dinosaurs, or if unicorns really existed but I do think there is some kind of system in Heaven that automatically answers all of these silly random questions for us...and if not, then I'm just gonna add that to my Jesus List.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Where's Fabio??

I was at the church so I decided to go by and see Jimmy, our pastor...and I saw something strange on his bookcase...can you see it?

look closer

there's FABIO!! the preacher's office?? right next to a picture of his son Jim

So we had to move FabioAlign Center to a new location...can you guess who's office this is?!?!

Where's Fabio now??

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was going through my phone and found a list of quotes made by various here they are:

"someone might get saved because of your curling iron" ~Kelly Johnson

"did you know today is national star wars day? May the FOURTH be with you!"~Kelly Johnson

Kelly: what does "la parilla" mean?
Me: The grill.
Kelly: That makes more sense than "the hat" (as we're eating at el sombrero)

cucumbers are the little jerks that made pickles possible ~ timothy

"i just feel safer when my eyes are covered"~Kelly

"I have a giant stuffed panda in my car"~Katie

"wanna stroke my beard?" ~Morgan

how am i supposed to sleep? I watched dead children and had to kill a roach ~kelly

"look, its the ocean! Jake you're gonna love's like a big tub that fish have sex in" ~timothy (talking to jake, who's 1 yr)

Isn't it ironic that we call it the burning bush when it acutally didn't burn. Shouldn't we call it the flaming bush?~jonathan

"hang here, let me go talk to the geek nerds for a minute"~Jeremy

"There are chicken's everywhere! Kelly scared of chickens, she like 'chickens? aaahhhh!'"~Blake

"people should just write down everything i say cause i'm like a quotable genius!"~Kelly

"I got the easy book"~Ashlyn ("reading" a book with nothing but pictures)

"If they really wanted me to pay back my student loan they shouldn't have let me major in anthrapology. Anything with apology in it shouldn't be a major"~ Anonymous

"Let the Beast out!"~Katie

"this ain't a pogo stick. its a bike."

"the alternative would be to think backwards...that's just remembering"

"we have this pelatathic thing going"~Jonathan

"let's buy each other those pajama jeans...I think that'd be a good investment"~Kelly Johnson

"no I don't want a quesadilla, that sounds like something I just ran over"~Morgan

Me: "Blake you're killing me!" (blake is sitting on my face)
Ren: "Blake come here and hug mommy"
Blake: "No mommy, I killing Jeh-ka!"

"Ring pocket, ashes... fall down!"~Blake

"Your heart is full of carbs"~Kelly (talking to Kenny)

Mom:"you didn't call me on my birthday, courtney did"
Daniel:"me and courtney are one flesh. its biblical mom. read the bible."

"if i hadn't moved here, i'd probably be in the irish mafia" ~patrick

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mom's 50th Birthday

My mom turned 50 this week and we surprised her by going out to dinner at Vic's on the River. She had no idea that all of her children were coming to see her so it was a BIG surprise!

This picture looks a little uneven without Jeremy standing by Ren... I LOVE my family!!

But of course I'm her favorite, as you can clearly see by this picture:

Can't you just fell the love?!