Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 77: Good News and Bad News

Bad News: I had to wake up at 4:50 am for a 12 hour shift at the hospital
Good News: My preceptor texted me at 5:50 telling me she didn't have to work today.
Bad News: I was already on my way to the hospital and Meagan had to turn around and drive me home...
Good News: I got to go back to sleep!
Bad News: I really needed the hours and I had just gotten caught now I'm behind again
Good News: I really needed to sleep, and sleeping was very nice! And I got to see my roommate before she left for spring break
Bad News: I woke up in time to watch my roommate leave for spring break...without me...
Good News: I only have one more 12 hour shift before my spring break officially begins!
Bad News: I realized that I am one of the only people left in Milledgeville cause everyone has already left to enjoy their spring break

this is the parking lot behind my house and there are only 3 other cars still out's usually full...sad day...

Good News: there were new episodes for Community and The Office tonight!


  1. Who drives that little orange/red car anyway...

  2. I have no idea...I don't even know who lives in that house. I only know the blue and yellow duplexes, the creepy "L" motel apartments in the back (that would be you Amo), the house in between us, and the house on the corner that got robbed...
