Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 112: Story of my Life....

I don't even know where to begin...
My dad woke me up this morning to tell me that the bus backed into my car. That's right a bus hit my car. So I get up at 7:30 to go look at the damage...which miraculously, wasn't that bad. Just a dent in the door (which must have been caused by the bumper cause my car is pretty low to the ground) and my driver's side mirror is broken...which is kinda a bad thing cause I can't really see much of anything in that car as it is.

(you can see the pollen on my car...grrr...I hate when trees try to procreate)

(the mirror doesn't look that bad, but it's all jacked up. I can't move it at all and it's tilted too far in)

So then I get to wait around all day for the insurance people to come...then I had to go to some shop in Springfield to get an estimate to see how much damage was done. But as I said yesterday, I don't know road names in Effingham and I didn't know where this shop was, so it took them a while to tell me where it was.
When I finally made it to the shop (which is not listed in the phone book), their computers were down so they couldn't give me an estimate...yay....and my hands still hurt from mowing my parents grass. In fact, I think they're bruised cause shifting gears today almost made me cry....I'm such a wuss.

Basically I have the worst luck with cars. The other night I was driving my dad's truck home (which I think is worse than driving my car) and I somehow hit the emergency break when I was stopped at a red light and I couldn't get it to come I tried the best I could to get the truck off the road and my parents (who were behind me) stopped to try to help me get it undone (apparently the emergency break sticks and you have to pull some kind of cord or something...I have no idea), but a cop stopped to see "what the problem was" and when my dad told him he just started laughing...which always helps...

Highlight of the Day: I discovered what is probably my new favorite TV show (at least for right now because there is nothing on TV and I'm trying to procrastinate): Silent Library. It comes on MTV2 and it's pretty much the funniest thing ever! ...or at least it has it's moments of hilarity. You should watch it. now.

Quote of the Day:
Boy at Harvey's: "do you want corn bread?"
Me: "what does the corn bread look like?"
Boy at Harvey's: "it's yellow..."
....ok, now I wasn't away from Effingham that long

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