Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 124: KUBB

I spent the morning packing...or attempting to pack. It was a little overwhelming because I don't even remember what half of the crap is.

Luckily Amy called and saved me by inviting me to play one of my new favorite games: Kubb

Kubb is a swedish stick throwing game that I apparently rock at...like I'm totally thinking of moving to Sweden because for once I am actually good at something! The object of the game was to throw sticks at the opposing team's cubes (kubb) and knock them over and then once you knocked over all the cubes you have to knock over the king to win, and me and mere won, twice! (there are also a few other elements that require a little more strategy but it's really all about how well you can aim and throw a stick)

all the cubes on the far side were mine and mere's and that little guy in the middle is the king

I don't know if you can see it really but this was our whole little Kubb field...playing area...thing.

Amy and Ansley losing....
but it's ok because they later beat me at phase 10, Amy totally dominated that game

Quote of the Day:
"just imagine an overcooked hot dog"

"they call me like I have some infinite wisdom about their uterus" ~Andrea

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