Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 177: Tybee Island


Things I learned while at the beach today:
1. Andi gets super cranky when she's hungry
2. Andi is the most pleasant person here once she's fed (her words)
3. Timothy and Andrew are sissys and laid on their towels to build mini-sand castles cause they didn't want to get "dirty" at the beach...

4. Timothy and Andrew are horrible sand castle builders
5. Andrew was mad at me for not letting him cheat off of me in Calculus in High School (I'm just surprised that someone wanted to copy off of me in Calculus)
6. Destin is SOOOOOOO much nicer than Tybee
7. The sand at Tybee gets REALLY hot. like burn the soles of your feet off hot
8. Timothy will not carry me across the sand when its so hot that I'm literally crying. He'll just laugh until...well he just kept laughing.
9. due to #7 I no longer have feet...just little nubs where they used to be
10. Its very hard to throw a football when you're shoulder deep in the ocean
11. something grazed Andrew in the ocean....and I remembered why I don't like getting in the ocean at Tybee...especially since we were out farther than the pier and they were catching fish, sharks, and stingrays at the pier that wasn't far away
12. Tybee got rid of the shower things at the pier
13. People go to the beach on Tybee with clothes on the summer...
14. there's a large population of bacteria or something in North Beach on Tybee that is making people sick...which makes me think that those people had to of been drinking the water...and if they did then they deserve to get sick, cause that's just dumb.
15. Andrew has a good swagger walk, Timmy does not....he's just too nice.

Quote of the Day:

"I need some aviators and a douche bag walk" ~Timothy

"Oh my gosh, you just hurt my feelings with your voice" ~Timothy


  1. So now I have no desire to go to Tybee AND I'm smiling from reading your post! ; )

  2. I know that I'm a couple months late seeing this post but I just saw that I had bookmarked your blog. But now that I have seen it, I have a few comments about this day.
    First of all, I am a great sand castle builder.
    Secondly, we laid on towels because of #7, not because we were afraid to get dirty.
    And finally, I hope you're enjoying your grown up job because you still owe me a new wardrobe. I dont remember why, I just remember that you do.
