Saturday, January 26, 2013

Project 365: Day 26

I've written before about my very cute but extremely loud watch. I absolutely love it! yet, in the still of the night when I'm all alone, I can hear it tick. tick. ticking. I almost feel like the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe (little known fact: he's one of my all time favorite authors!!) It's like my life is using this watch as a metaphor for something...who knows what. The most logical time/clock reference in a woman's life is the whole biological clock thing...but I'm fairly certain that mine has been deactivated indefinitely. All I know is that the continual ticking makes me restless. Its like the acknowledgement of the passage of time makes me anxious. I'm steadily moving closer to something that makes me nervous, yet I'm not sure what it is. Maybe its this whole travel nursing thing and the fact that I only have 1 week left of my Atlanta contract and my next job will most likely be in California...or maybe its the fact that I have 1 week left and then I get to go bombard my brother and his wife and love all over this sweet little girl and her brother!

...then again, maybe I'm anxious because time seems to be passing too slowly...and yet too fast all at the same time. I need sleep!

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