Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 310: Dumb and Dumber

I've learned so many valuable life lessons from watching great movies.
One of my favorites was on tonight

Dumb and Dumber

So here it is, my list of things to learn from Dumb and Dumber:
1. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose
2. When birds get old, their heads fall off
3. In Aspen the beer flows like wine, and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano
4. When you spill salt you have to throw some over your right shoulder or you will have bad luck
5. If you lie to a blind kid, it will end up on the news
6. Do not pee into empty beer bottles while driving...
7. Don't day dream while driving
8. If someone has luggage, airline tickets, and you were called to take them to the airport then they are probably flying somewhere
9. You don't kill people you don't know
10. If you really have to pee, just go man, just go.
11. Don't lick frost off a metal pole
12. We've landed on the moon.
13. Make sure the toilet isn't broken before you use it
14. Don't run down a jetway unless you know the plane is still there
15. If someone leaves their briefcase, then you should do everything in your power to return it to them...even if that means driving across the country and accidentally killing someone along the way

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