Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why the heck do we hate Tim Tebow?

This article made me stop and think...Why the heck do we hate Tim Tebow?

seriously, why? I know I didn't like him, mainly cause he played for Florida and I'm not a gators fan, but in all honesty...he really does seem to be a genuine guy. I often complain that there aren't any genuine christian guys left....but Tim Tebow is open and honest about his faith and our society as a whole mocks him...what's up with that?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fabio Strikes Again!

Fabio had gone missing and I asked Kelly about him the other day and we couldn't find him...SO we created a NEW fabio (same image, just reprinted!) and I hid him on Kelly's pillow before she left to go camping and then taped him to her ceiling after she left...that was on Friday, Kelly found him this morning! And I just got home and who do I find???

Oh where to hide you now?!?!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Day in the Life of Me

0545- Woke up at. have to be at work between 6:38-6:45
0546- Went back to sleep
0615- Woke up, forgot I was supposed to go to work. went back to sleep.
0625- Woke up. confused, thinking "why is my alarm going off?? Oh crap!"
0645- Clocked in!!
0730- Discovered a new eczema spot behind my left ear...
0731- Convinced myself that I either
a) have leprosy or
b) contracted some sort of rash causing disease
0740- Convince Batman [my nickname for one of the doctors at our hospital] to look at my leprosy and tell me what it is
0745- GOOD NEWS: its just eczema!!! BAD NEWS: it still itches like the dickens!!
0900- The pharmacy finally opens so I can buy cortizone cream
1040- We (me+the nurse I'm orienting) get 4 discharges and 2 admissions all at the same time
1100- It's hot, I feel nauseated
1300- LUNCH
1500- It's 110 degrees hot that the air feels like its not working. I start to get Nauseated again because it's so hot... I'm now itching everywhere...99% positive I have a heat rash
1900- Night shift!!! Yay!
2000-I found a potato in my kitchen cabinet ...only, I don't remember buying a potato...but unfortunately it remembers when I bought it...feeling nauseated for like the 10th time today
2100- I'm eating pasta, but its too hot and I drop it and somehow it burns my chest...still not sure how that happened

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sally & Romeo

So I went back to work this weekend (which probably wasn't the best idea cause I don't think I was quite ready yet...), anywho, we had these lovely patients this weekend who were straight up confused, disoriented, you name it. Well one of my co-workers got the idea to make them some dolls out of towels to give them something to I grabbed some towels and rubber bands and went to work...and then we started adding onto them and well this is the result:

I think we did pretty well considering that we basically only had office supplies to make these!

Well after we made them I held them up to show our little friends and one of them got so excited! She was absolutely precious! I seriously felt like Santa Claus and I was giving Ralphie the Red Ryder BB gun that he so desperately wanted (catch that movie reference??). I WISH that I could have videoed her getting those dolls!!! (If it wasn't like against the law, then I might have called her family and asked for permission) She was SO stinkin' cute!!!! She would have won America's Funniest Home Videos, like no competition.

Well we had to keep a close eye on our little friends, so they were chillin' with me at the nurses' station while I charted and this little lady started talking about her children and how she "left them in bed." I asked her what her children's names were (to see if she was remembering her actual family or making up something) and she said "Oh I named our boy Romeo, after my husband." ....wrong. So I kinda expected her "daughter's" name to be Juliet, so I asked and she said "oh no, her name is Sally, after me" ....wrong again. I have absolutely no idea where that name came from, but the look she gave me when she said that just about made me pee my pants with laughter. Now, I don't want you to think that I was laughing AT my patient, cause I wouldn't do that. She was TRYING to make me laugh. She even told her family members that she was a comedian (which was even funnier). So I went and got her "babies" out of her room and brought them to her cause she was "so worried about them" and when I gave them to her she threw them on the table next to her. I told her "now are you taking good care of them?" and reached towards them, then she grabbed my hands and said "oh don't touch them, they're behaving!" Then I smiled and winked at her (which is something that I've only recently learned how to do...sad I know) and she thought that was hilarious (cause I kind of have to over-exaggerate my facial expression to make it turn out as an actual it actually does look rather comical), so for the rest of the weekend I'd wink at her from across the nurses' station or as I was walking by and she'd just get to was so cute! Not gonna lie, this little lady made my weekend bearable. My jaw hurts. like seriously. but I was still able to smile! Thanks to "Sally & Romeo's" mother. If I ever get Dementia or lose my mind in any fashion then I hope to be as sweet and funny as this little lady is....patients like her are why I love being a nurse!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Game Night!

So in light of the fact that I am obviously heavily medicated due to the extraction of my wisdom teeth this week, I did not lead Bible Study as I normally do every week. Also, since I was unable to find a replacement leader we decided to just meet and play games and just have some quality bonding time....much fun ensued!

We played a game called "Quelf" which I had never heard of but it's actually a very fun, interesting, and just all around different game. I highly recommend it for group game nights. I ended up wearing a panda mask for most of the night, Morgan had to wink at people, Jonathan had to cheer for Ava every round, Matt had to sit with a book in his lap, Alicia had to have one hand on the floor, and Emily had to wear a "snorkel" ...there was also much singing, some leap frog, and lots of other stuff...

We also played scategories, and Jonathan is remarkably good at Scategories....I was impressed

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wise Apples

First of all, why are Wisdom Teeth called wisdom teeth? are people who have them more wise than others? does taking them out take away some of your wisdom? and if so many people have to have them removed then what were there purpose in the first place?!?
These are just some of the questions I've added to my Jesus list

Now why am I so interested in wisdom teeth? because today I got 3 of mine removed (I'd already had the 4th removed a few months ago) and despite popular demand, I only got local anesthetic...which looking back was probably a bad idea. I apparently have a high tolerance for like everything so it took close to an hour of my dentist giving me shots for me to get completely numb...but by the time she finally took out my teeth, boy was I numb! (also, my mother told me this afternoon that my grandfather always has to get laughing gas cause the localized stuff never works on him....great, now she tells me!) I was so numb that I was trying to put on chap-stick as we were leaving the dentist's office and I had to stop and ask Ren to help me because I didn't know where my mouth was.
And for some reason whenever my face is numb I just start talking...about anything and everything. My sister even asked what they gave me cause I was acting a little loopy, which I thought was completely ridiculous....granted I was slapping myself in the face at the time trying to show her just how numb my face I don't know where she got that idea.
8 years ago my dad and I got into a terrible car wreck and he had to have his jaw wired shut and everyone would call to ask us how he was doing...but he'd take the phone from us cause even having his mouth wired shut didn't stop him from talking... well as they say "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" I wasn't about to let the 3 gaping holes in my mouth to keep me from talking. My sister finally told me to shut up because we were going into the pharmacy and she said I looked like a chipmunk whenever I spoke....but that didn't stop me for long. As soon as we got to her house she kept asking me if I wanted to lay down or take a nap but I really just wanted to I started watching Swamp People and Ren said I sounded like Troy and that's finally the straw that sank the boat (that's not the right saying...I just took a pain pill and I think it's starting to kick in...what am I trying to say?) Nevertheless, as of right now I feel great! but I also still can't feel my face....and I have to be careful cause I've been drooling all over myself without even know it. At one point Ren just looked at me and said "you have blood all over your face" so for the rest of the day I've been walking around with a napkin in, on, or under my mouth to help catch any bloody drool that may try to escape... And why is it that whenever you're not supposed to eat, you get SOOO hungry?! I'm about to starve! Mashed potatoes watch out!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jesus List

So tonight at bible study we were talking about Elijah and the prophets of Baal and somehow that led to Noah's ark (don't ask me how) and all of my college-age kids were trying to figure out what animals were on the ark, which (if any) animals missed the ark, and which animals were considered sea creatures and were left to fend for themselves in the oceans. Here are their thoughts/questions/hypotheses:

  • Unicorns were too busy playing and missed the ark, that's why they no longer exist.
  • because the unicorns no longer exist, people live shorter lives. (possible Harry Potter reference?)
  • Dinosaurs were too big to fit on the ark, thus their extinction.
  • were turtles on the ark? some think they were left out to sea
  • what age were the animals on the ark? (some think they were babies and that's why all the animals fit, cause they were small)
  • Who cleaned up the poop?
  • why are there only kangaroos in Australia?
  • did unicorns have wings? or were those Pegasus? and did Pegasus have a horn like a unicorn? if not what would you call Pegasus mixed with a unicorn? a Pegacorn or a uniasus? Liger sounds better than a it'd have to be a Pegacorn
My answer to all of these question: Don't worry about it anymore. Just make a list and whenever you get to heaven you can sit and ask Jesus about it....but then they kept asking questions so I said that they probably have an orientation group whenever you get to heaven. You walk in the pearly gates and St. Peter is standing there with a huge smile on his face saying "Welcome to Heaven, where you'll spend eternity with the Alpha and Omega! Here are your welcome packets and name tags, we'll be having several seminars throughout the week so we can go over some of those FAQs that I'm sure you all have. But don't worry you'll all get to see God the father and son soon enough and they'll be happy to answer any and all questions that you might still have. To begin our tour, I'll just have you follow me here down this street of gold..."

I don't know what happened to the dinosaurs, or if unicorns really existed but I do think there is some kind of system in Heaven that automatically answers all of these silly random questions for us...and if not, then I'm just gonna add that to my Jesus List.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Where's Fabio??

I was at the church so I decided to go by and see Jimmy, our pastor...and I saw something strange on his bookcase...can you see it?

look closer

there's FABIO!! the preacher's office?? right next to a picture of his son Jim

So we had to move FabioAlign Center to a new location...can you guess who's office this is?!?!

Where's Fabio now??

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I was going through my phone and found a list of quotes made by various here they are:

"someone might get saved because of your curling iron" ~Kelly Johnson

"did you know today is national star wars day? May the FOURTH be with you!"~Kelly Johnson

Kelly: what does "la parilla" mean?
Me: The grill.
Kelly: That makes more sense than "the hat" (as we're eating at el sombrero)

cucumbers are the little jerks that made pickles possible ~ timothy

"i just feel safer when my eyes are covered"~Kelly

"I have a giant stuffed panda in my car"~Katie

"wanna stroke my beard?" ~Morgan

how am i supposed to sleep? I watched dead children and had to kill a roach ~kelly

"look, its the ocean! Jake you're gonna love's like a big tub that fish have sex in" ~timothy (talking to jake, who's 1 yr)

Isn't it ironic that we call it the burning bush when it acutally didn't burn. Shouldn't we call it the flaming bush?~jonathan

"hang here, let me go talk to the geek nerds for a minute"~Jeremy

"There are chicken's everywhere! Kelly scared of chickens, she like 'chickens? aaahhhh!'"~Blake

"people should just write down everything i say cause i'm like a quotable genius!"~Kelly

"I got the easy book"~Ashlyn ("reading" a book with nothing but pictures)

"If they really wanted me to pay back my student loan they shouldn't have let me major in anthrapology. Anything with apology in it shouldn't be a major"~ Anonymous

"Let the Beast out!"~Katie

"this ain't a pogo stick. its a bike."

"the alternative would be to think backwards...that's just remembering"

"we have this pelatathic thing going"~Jonathan

"let's buy each other those pajama jeans...I think that'd be a good investment"~Kelly Johnson

"no I don't want a quesadilla, that sounds like something I just ran over"~Morgan

Me: "Blake you're killing me!" (blake is sitting on my face)
Ren: "Blake come here and hug mommy"
Blake: "No mommy, I killing Jeh-ka!"

"Ring pocket, ashes... fall down!"~Blake

"Your heart is full of carbs"~Kelly (talking to Kenny)

Mom:"you didn't call me on my birthday, courtney did"
Daniel:"me and courtney are one flesh. its biblical mom. read the bible."

"if i hadn't moved here, i'd probably be in the irish mafia" ~patrick

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mom's 50th Birthday

My mom turned 50 this week and we surprised her by going out to dinner at Vic's on the River. She had no idea that all of her children were coming to see her so it was a BIG surprise!

This picture looks a little uneven without Jeremy standing by Ren... I LOVE my family!!

But of course I'm her favorite, as you can clearly see by this picture:

Can't you just fell the love?!

Monday, May 9, 2011


I spent the weekend in Effingham with my family celebrating Mother's Day and eating entirely wayyy too much food. So today I was a little wary when I discovered that I was rather uncomfortable in my scrubs that all of a sudden seemed a little bit too small... I know that it is impossible for me to have gained enough weight to make my scrubs too small, but that was my first conclusion. Next I realized that my right pants leg was slightly tighter than my left and that's when I convinced myself that I had a DVT and it was causing my leg to swell. I talked to all of my co-workers about it and they just laughed at me, but I was seriously slightly concerned.
But when I got home I remembered what happened a few weeks ago... A few weeks ago I had a patient that kept trying to stand up by himself and pull out his IV and try to walk away, but he had absolutely no balance so I spent most of my day making sure he didn't do any of this and get hurt. Well as I was getting back from lunch he'd somehow made it out of bed and was walking/squatting around the room (not sure why), so I went to help him back to bed and somehow he pulled out his IV and then he clung to me and bled all over the front of my white scrubs...yay... Needless to say, the first thing I did when I got home was wash my scrubs in HOT water (twice)...while hot water helps kill germs, it also helps shrink clothes...way to go Jessica.

So good news is, I do not have a DVT!
Bad news: I'm an idiot and a hypochondriac...

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Today I ran the Spartan Race. It's a 3+ mile obstacle course, I think ours was 4.7 miles (or at least that's what I heard) and we had something like 12 obstacles that were both fun and exhausting. But I got to run with some AMAZING people from my church who were all very encouraging! Here we are pre-Sparta. All nice and clean!

this is when I started getting nervous...
cause about 5 minutes after this our race started. We ran straight to our first obstacle: a series of walls that we had to 1st climb over, crawl under and then crawl through, and then repeat, all while being blasted with water. It was a fun obstacle and we got to run for a while after that to a mud pit covered with barb wire that we had to crawl under...yay!
Then we ran for a while and ended up getting to wade through a creek for about 1/2-3/4 mile...which was probably one of my favorite parts. The rest of the race feels like a blur, but the obstacles included:
  • a 10-12 foot wall that we had to jump up and over (thanks Chris and Mike for giving me a leg up on this one!)
  • a net attached to an A-frame that we had to climb up and over
  • a 1/2-1 inch zig-zag balance beam
  • a 10 gallon bucket we had to fill with dirt and carry up and down a large hill (terrible)
  • army crawl through this tent thing that felt like an oven
  • cinder block pull
  • another much larger net A-frame
  • another mud pit covered with barbed wire
  • a javelin throw (which was just cruel in my opinion)
  • this like sideways rock wall with only like 1/2 inch of wood sticking out
  • wall covered with soap that you had to run up and grab a rope to pull yourself up and over
  • then 2 spartans who stood in front of the finish line that would hit you with those big q-tip looking things that the old american gladiators used to use.
I was EXHAUSTED by the time I got to the top of the last wall and I literally sat on the top of it and glared at the Spartans as they literally smacked people in the face with their q-tips....and yes they hit me in the face and in the back as I ran toward the finish line.

I basically collapsed beside the water table and managed to pick myself up for a group picture...during which they announced "free beer" and everyone got up and sprinted to the beer line...and yes I sprinted (I was about 5th in line).

here we are post clean up

this spartan was nice, he didn't have a big q-tip to hit people with

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter is _________

The Easter Bunny visited me today!!

and it was a great day at church!!

I've always loved Easter! My family never really ever did anything extra special on Easter. We went to church and ate a nice lunch, but that was just like every other Sunday at our house. I think the fact that we didn't have to do anything different on Easter says a lot. Granted we went to the church and helped with the Easter egg hunt and stuff like that on the days leading up to Easter Sunday, but that too was just like any other day for us. Now I'm not saying that we didn't think Easter was special, because we did, like I said, I've always loved Easter! I guess I just feel like we've always been grateful for everyday that God has given to least I have. Easter is the reason that I have hope, joy, peace...
Jon Acuff wrote a post on his blog today about Easter, and in it he said:

"To try to capture the sacrifice of Christ on Easter, to try to capture the love of God on Easter, to try to capture the hope of that day with a movie or a blog post is impossible. Trying to capture the love of God on a piece of paper or in a film is like trying to capture the might and fury of a hurricane with a crayon

Easter is a gift

That’s what Easter is to me"

To me, Easter is Love. Easter is Hope. Easter is Joy. Easter is Peace. Easter is Forgiveness. Easter is Acceptance. Easter is Eternity.

I guess to sum it up, I agree with Jon Acuff. Easter is a gift.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gar, Cottonmouth, Canoe...just another fun day at the lake

Today I spent the day at the Lake with my sister and her family. Rennata got the bright idea that it'd be fun for her and I to take her daughters (4 years old and 2 years old) on a ride in the canoe. Ren's not very good at steering and she also paddles a lot harder than me so half the time we were just going all over the place. But we were still having lots of fun...
Now, I've written about the show River Monsters before. I'm obsessed with it! (I'm actually watching it right now with a slightly horror stricken look on my face) ...I'm also terrified of fish and I swear that they chase me! They can tell that I highly dislike them...
But back to my story. Ren and I were just paddling along, enjoying the scenery, while the girls were playing with their hands in the water, when all of a sudden about 4 gar come swimming up to the boat. I immediately started screaming because my mind automatically jumps to River Monsters and the alligator gar that Jeremy Wade caught in Florida. The gar seemed to be playing or fighting or something but I swear it seemed like one of them would jump up into the boat if they could...and I believe that they were trying to. Ren on the other hand, starts laughing and yelling that the gar were following us. Given my history with fish, I believe her and start paddling harder...we made it back to the dock in about 1/2 the time it took us to get out there. Ren laughed and taunted me the entire way back and I screamed and told her that she wouldn't be laughing when one of those gar jumped in and try to bite one of her babies. Blake and Taylor thought the whole thing was hilarious and joined Ren in taunting me. But as we were stepping out of the boat those same 4 gar were right there behind us...they had followed us after all!
Standing on the dock and looking at the gar was a little bit more fun...and I am now willing to admit that they were not alligator gar, but longnose gar. Either way, they are still some pretty scary looking fish...
Not to mention that we also saw a water moccasin (aka: cottonmouth) swim up right after we'd gotten out of the boat...needless to say Jessica did not get in the water at all today...

Monday, April 18, 2011

my watch ticks very loudly...

...and it has no numbers on it or anything to help you know what time it is. So when people ask me for the time I say "umm...its like maybe 1:25? I think? that looks close, right?" and then I show them my watch and they give me a confused look and pull out their phone to check the watch is a failure as a watch, but at least its cute!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Third Day, Tenth Avenue North, and Trevor Morgan

12 years ago I bought my 1st set of Christian CDs, among them were Jesus Freak by DC Talk and Time by Third Day. Those 2 CDs were the reason that I tried to listen to nothing but Christian music (which lasted for a few years, until I turned 13 and discovered Nelly and my Rap obsession began). 5 years after that I went to my first Third Day Concert and I got to meet Toby Mac (from DC Talk). Now 7 years later I got to see Third Day in Concert again and I discovered that they recently went to Haiti...and I am even more in love with them now than I ever have been before!

Tenth Avenue North was the opening band

...they sing some of my favorite songs right now, but tonight Third Day reminded me why they are my favorite Christian rock band! The concert was amazing!

And in the middle of it Third Day ran out into the crowd and played a few was really cool!

Thank you Third Day for introducing me to Christian rock, and for the past 12 years of amazing songs!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


My aunt and uncle dropped by this weekend for a quick visit and it was so much fun to see them and my new cousin!

My most favorite little girls in the whole wide world!

BeeJay is only 2 years older than my sister, so they act more like sisters than aunt/niece...

typical day with some beautiful people in my life...I love my family!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The River Walk

Went for a walk down by the river with one of my favorite people!

we found a turtle! but he swam away...

this picture has a good color palette

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today I discovered the one thing that someone can say to me that will truly insult me. Today I was basically called racist, granted it was by a drug addict with multiple cancerous brain tumors, but it made me so mad that I was literally shaking. But before I could say anything, my co-workers were right there to defend me and it made me feel SO much better that they had my back!
It's amazing how insults, even from someone who probably doesn't really mean them, can completely ruin your day and completely change your attitude. Which brings me to one of my favorite quotes:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

~ Charles R. Swindoll (pastor)

After today, I really did need some chocolate cake...

really I needed alcohol but I have to work tomorrow.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dating Advice...from the single girl...

Today I went by the church and got to have a quick preview of this week's offertory, and let me just say that I was blown away! Watching Madison play guitar is cool enough, but she also has an AMAZING voice! And I already know that soon enough all the little teenage boys will see her and I'll have to kill them, or lock her in a closet... Either way when Maddie heard me talking about it, she said "whatever, boys don't like me" ...and that was when I remembered being a teenage girl. Girls are suckers for athletic blue-eyed boys with any amount of musical ability, or at least I
Looking back, I wish I knew then what I know now. Cause the boys really do like you, they pick on you and are mean cause they just don't know how to talk to you.... so for all you boys out there that are still in the picking on girls stage, if you like a girl just ask her out. I know rejection is a big fear, but if she laughs at your jokes then you're in. And I can honestly say that I've never said no to a guy that asked me out...face to face (one time a guy asked me out in a facebook message and I said no...but that's a different story). And guys, all of those pretty girls that seem so intimidating usually don't even know that they're pretty. They are most likely sitting at home every night wondering what's wrong with them...cause in reality, they just want to hear someone say that they are beautiful. And since we're being all honest tonight, I can honestly say that every guy that has looked me in the eye and told me that I was beautiful (and really meant it) I have kissed...all 3 of them. Also, if you like a girl, don't wait. Cause after a while she's gonna think you're not interested and move on...most likely to some guy that's a jerk and she's gonna call you to tell you all about how he's a jerk...which will suck even more for don't wait!
And girls, try to avoid the jerks. You will inevitably wind up falling "in love" with one at some point in your teenage/young adult life and your heart will be repeatedly broken by said jerk until one day you come to your senses and realize that you deserve so much more. And never settle, cause that's usually when you meet the jerks.
That's just some advice from a successfully single woman, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but there's a lot of truth in there...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Attention Grocery Store Employees

Dear Publix bag boy,
Do you enjoy bagging peoples groceries? Are forced casual conversations the highlight of your day? Is that green vest you wear, your favorite fashion accessory? If you answered yes to any of these 3 questions then you seriously need to reconsider your life...
Do they require you to start meaningless banter with customers? Yes captain obvious, I did just get off work. Although, I'm not sure how you knew that! Was it my name badge stating my occupation and place of employment hanging precariously above a small stain of unknown origin (which, I'm still not sure what that is...); or the fact that all of my make-up has been rubbed off from the number of times that I had to brush my hair back with my arm/shoulder; or better yet, was it my half-hazardly placed up-do that at this point in the day is just barely keeping my hair out of my face. Maybe it was the distinct smell of old people permeating my clothes and skin... but whatever it is, saying "Ooooh, you just got off from work..." and making a face that lets me know that I look as tired and worn out as I feel, is exactly the LAST thing I want to hear from the bag boy at publix as he is not so silently judging me for buying chocolate cake. Just cause I'm buying a chocolate cake and a gallon of milk does not mean that I'm planning on having people over to help me eat it. So your little comments about how you hope I have "fun with my friends tonight" and "where's the party" are far from being appreciated... And yes the reason I pretended to forget something was to go back and trade that beautifully delicious chocolate cake for a smaller individualized slice because your judgmental glances made me feel guilty for skipping boot camp this morning ...but sometimes, a girl just wants to eat chocolate cake!
And for future reference, if someone comes in and looks like death, then maybe you shouldn't do everything in your power to point that out...your boss and the future patrons of Publix would appreciate that greatly.
a Kroger shopper

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Seeing old college professors in normal everyday life places feels like spotting a unicorn in your backyard

...I am such a creeper for taking this picture...

and speaking of unicorns:

This is a picture from the book I'm reading "Stuff Christians Like" by Jonathan Acuff
it's from a part titled: Wishing you had an easy job, like working at a church. It's very funny!

Have you ever read a really funny book in a public place and literally laughed out loud? ...and then looked up to discover that your laughter is apparently disturbing the peaceful silence of the other patrons in the room...cause they are all now looking at you as if you are some crazy psychotic person listening to voices in your head ...yeah that was me today...and then I talked on the phone for like an hour right next to these girls who were obviously discussing the facts of life or some kind of deep hearted travesty cause my joyous demeanor and jovial conversation seemed to be irritating them greatly

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blake's Baptism

Blake got baptized today....she's not really an infant anymore and is actually probably closer to being able to make that decision for herself, but it was still a very special day

I love my family!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday B!

Today was Blake's 2nd Birthday Party, and she was SO cute...and very much the diva

these cupcakes were AMAZING

And then there were my brothers, having a swinging contest...

Michael's best jump:

...I don't know if you could've even referred to that as a "jump" or even why he considered himself as part of this competition...

Daniel's best jump:

Daniel looked like a mixture of a frog and one of the kids from high school musical

Timothy's best jump:

Timmy almost broke both ankles, got a concussion, punctured a lung, fractured his skull...but luckily he's even better at falling than he is at jumping. He's got the tuck and roll down pat!

I told them that Timothy won, but Daniel insisted that Timothy had a better swing and the angle that I was taking pictures at was we had to have a tie breaker:

(I'm still thinking Timmy)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Land of a Thousand Hills

I was in Atlanta this weekend and I got to see Amo!

We went to this really AWESOME coffee shop and it was quite possibly the most relaxing day ever!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

GCSU nursing graduates top national licensing board exam in 2010

There's an article about how the nursing graduates of 2010 basically rocked the NCLEX!

"Georgia College nursing graduates who took the national licensing exam for the first time in 2010 earned the highest overall pass rate among public colleges and universities across Georgia.

With a first-take pass rate of 98.81 percent, 83 of the 84 Georgia College graduates who took the exam during 2010 made the grade."

Just another indicator that I attended one of the best Nursing schools in the country.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kids Are Like Bugs

My roommate's sister and her husband were discussing how children are like bugs...and if you think about it there are a lot of similarities...
  1. they are attracted to food
  2. they are always in your face
  3. they can destroy a house in minutes
  4. the quiet ones are usually the ones doing the most damage
  5. some are smelly, others are annoying
  6. they hard to get rid of and seem to multiply
  7. they can eat you out of house and home
  8. they get more active when it warms up
  9. they are always underfoot
  10. only some of them bite
  11. you have to watch where they crawl
  12. they always seem to find you when you're on the toilet
Can you think of any other similarities?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Meagan!

Today I FINALLY got to meet Elliott! and our outfits matched!

Meagan is a GREAT mom, but I couldn't imagine being a mom before I was 23...

She's just amazing!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Smith and Wesson 460

My Uncle John took me to the shooting range for my birthday and I got to shoot the biggest hand gun that I have ever seen!

Fire literally came out of the end of it and it was so loud that people 2 lanes down came walking over to see it.

I had more kill shots than my brothers! ...but they were also aiming for the crotch area...
Now I kinda want to buy a fact I might

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy B-day to me!

For my birthday we went to Shoki! Nothing better than sushi, fried rice and some hibachi chicken!

I LOVE my roommates! ...even though they demanded that I have a candle on my cake and I ended up with looking like I was turning 30 instead of 23...