Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 90: River Monsters

I got a parking ticket for backing into a parking space....but I didn't back into the space, I pulled through it, besides who has ever heard of getting a ticket for backing into a parking space? I took a picture of the parking ticket as my picture for today but I accidentally deleted it...and now I can't find the I'm just gonna "borrow" some pictures from Animal Planet's River Monsters: with extreme angular Jeremy Wade.

I love to watch the show River Monsters. I don't know why cause I hate fish. If I get in the water and there is a fish within a mile of me, then it will find me and scare the crap out of me by either brushing against me or biting me. I don't really like to get into ponds, lakes, oceans, or rivers for that very reason. I think that's why I like to go fishing...and I think that's why I like to watch River Monsters, it just encourages my dislike for fish infested waters...anyways here are some of the fish he has caught

wels catfish

alligator gar (this one lives in the Southeastern US...not helping my severe dislike of fish)

Goonch Catfish

1 comment:

  1. SCARY!!!!!! i won't be swimming anywhere near stuff like this from now on...that's for sure!
