Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 82: Can I smell you?

I drive barefoot with the windows down and the music turned up as loud as I can stand it and I usually sing at the top of my lungs, so I understand that you have to do something to keep yourself entertained and awake while driving...but today I was driving beside a guy who was dancing while driving. And by dancing I mean that he had both hands off the steering wheel and I'm pretty sure his eyes were closed cause he was practically banging his head against the window as he beat on his imaginary drums. It was like a train wreck...I just couldn't look away. I couldn't decide if I should laugh or be afraid that he was going to crash into me...luckily he was a speeder so he quickly left me behind and I was able to finish my drive to Macon in relative safety.

Before I left Effingham, I played with Jack.

he was actually a good boy today, I was proud of him. He even smiled!

Quote of the Day:
"Yaya! Can you see my big face?"~ Taylor

"Is handsomeness a burden your face has to live with everyday?"~ Old Spice commercial
(little known fact: I think the Old Spice commercials are hilarious. Also, I love the smell of Old Spice...like seriously. I was standing in the elevator at the hospital next to a guy who was wearing Old Spice and it took me a few minutes to realize that I was kinda sniffing him...luckily he didn't notice...cause that would have been a little awkward... There really isn't a way to talk yourself out of that situation. Like, what would you say "Pardon me, I was just smelling you" ...they might call security)

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