Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 68: The Epitome of Hyperbole

I changed my blog background/layout and stuff!! I'm still working on it so you may notice that some things don't work...sorry...

The weather was absolutely wonderful today! So we talked our teacher into having class outside! ...which in retrospect was probably not the best idea because then I didn't have the computer/internet to distract me...

Quote of the Day:
"What code status is your goldfish?" ~Amy

"This guy raped my ear. This guy forcefully told me stories in my ear hole..." ~Ron White (you can't fix stupid)


  1. i like your new layout, it's really cute. what website did you use?

  2. ...I can't remember, I thought that it was posted on here somewhere... Anywho, just google free blogspot templates, it's one of those websites...I'm pretty sure it said template in the name...I don't know. but I liked that site! It had way better options...you just have to download the template and change some of the html stuff...which is why I'm not finished fixing mine, I got tired of reading it...
