Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 74: A Comforting Article

This was the first e-mail I read today....'s an excerpt from the article on

“Nursing practice is more difficult today than it was in 2007,” says Casey Marks, chief operating officer of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, based in Chicago. “The bar has been raised, and, quite simply, the exam is harder. It’s projected that fewer students will pass on the first attempt.”

The NCSBN in December raised the passing standards for the national licensure examination after an analysis of the basic knowledge and skills new nurses need to practice safely. Since the last analysis in 2007, healthcare has become even more complex and sophisticated, requiring new nurses to have a greater baseline nursing knowledge and critical thinking skills.

“Nursing is a dynamic, continually evolving discipline that employs critical thinking to integrate increasingly complex knowledge, skills, technologies and client care activities into evidence-based nursing practice,” according to the NCSBN 2010 NCLEX Test Plan.

Quote of the Day:
"This isn't a christian music concert. This is mute math. You can freakin' crowd surf to mute math...and stab someone in the head"~ Andrew

"I'm pretty sure this is the song that I stabbed a guy during..."~ Andrew