Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 88: I wore a dress

I felt like crap today. I have some kind of head cold/allergy thing going on and it is making me dizzy and sleepy and I really didn't want to get out of bed today...but I had a group presentation to do, and I had to dress "fancy" (as Zach said)...yay... So I wore a dress...which is very uncharacteristic of me, but I must say that I got a lot of compliments and I'm thinking that the next time I feel like crap and I still have to go to class, then I might put forth the extra effort to actually get ready in the morning, because it kinda makes you feel better. But I still came home and basically passed out. Luckily my roommate came and woke me up to go eat dinner.

Andrea had a presentation in Athens today so she was dressed up too

This was after my nap, and yes I slept in my dress. I love dresses that don't wrinkle!

Andrea was also my driver for the evening cause I was kinda out of it

Quote of the Day:
"Hey Mr. Kidney" ~ Judit and Renee (they sang a song in class that I recorded for's stuck in my head now)

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