Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 60: Shadows of Passion

Instead of going to class we got to go to our teacher's lakehouse and she bought us pizza!

But we still had to do case studies...luckily Amy found a book to read to us...

the cover page made her blush

but clearly we were way more interested in the book than the case studies

Bethany took over the reading

Amy and Cathleen found another book called "Sex and Circumstance" and the first page we turned to was about Thomas Jefferson...

but this book is a little more appropriate

Katie and Cathleen got bored listing to case studies and decided to play tic-tac-toe...and Kathleen became emo

One of my best friends got engaged today, and I'm happy to say that I am gonna be the maid of honor. I'm super excited for both of them, they just fit together so well.

This is them! (I totally stole this picture...I know I'm a thief)

Quote of the Day: "Where'd Kathleen go?"~Katie
"Shadows of Passion, its calling her name" ~Amy

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