Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35: "Women are crazy, angry, and looney due to penis envy"

Wal-mart lies....
I was on facebook earlier and I found my dog!
For my 9th birthday I got this little white puppy. He was absolutely precious...until he threw up on me, but I still loved him! I named him Blizzard cause I thought that if he'd ever got lost in a blizzard then you'd never be able to find him (I was a pretty creative kid, especially since I lived in Southeast Georgia where it NEVER snows). Like a year later we moved into "the city" and we had to chain Blizzard up outside, which he didn't like. One day I woke up and he was gone, chain and all. I was devastated and I felt guilty for chaining him up. I can still remember praying that he would find a good home. About 8 months later we went to help our old youth pastor move and there was my dog. Apparently Blizzard pulled his chain out of the ground and ran five miles before a cop found him and took him to a pound. The next day our old youth pastor adopted him, which was a miracle cause Bob hated dogs. Anyway, I just found that family on facebook and they still have Blizzard. He's like 13 years old now! He's a little fluffier than he used to be, but I would recognize that little fur-ball anywhere. I don't know why but just seeing him has put me in the best mood!
I was trying to find a picture of Blizzard as a puppy, but instead I came across some of the ridiculous things from freshman year that my roommate and I did. We wrote what we called "Woman Law" which was a response to the Man Law that our guy friends always talked about at the time and the lame woman laws that other people had come up with. We had like 100 laws, but I only found 6:
  1. When your roommate/most-amazing-person-in-the-world's boyfriend is being hit on, you should hit that person in the face.
  2. A roommate should not give said roommate's boyfriend a sexual innuendo card on his birthday, or else said roommate will stab her in the face.
  3. A woman cannot make a picture of a prettier woman her profile picture, nor can she lie on her facebook status
  4. If your roommate/suite-mate wants to have sex then she and her partner must get a hotel room
  5. A roommate cannot dig out locks of your hair from the trash to give to people who could possibly be obsessed with you, if said roommate does so then they are thereby subject to a thorough beating in the face.
  6. If a woman is eating ice cream then it is not expected for said woman to remember anything that a friend tells her.
(These were all based off of actual events)

1 comment:

  1. "Hilarious Stuff. I'm laughing my head of at this." LOL!!!!! Very Funny!
