Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 54: R.I.C.E.

Free Pancake Day!

Tuesday Morning Pancakes!
I'm kinda accident prone and I had been doing pretty good about not hurting myself (it's been about a week), but today I elbowed a window sill/booth at IHOP ...and it won.
I don't think you can see it that well in the picture, but it's kinda swollen and starting to bruise...

Quotes of the Day: "What's taking so long? It isn't brain science!" ~Meagan
"I've got that pen too, but I didn't like the way it writed" ~Bethany
"But she was a madam. So she was like an expert at making guys happy" ~Mrs. Sewell
"I'm not like Zach, I don't have basic wilderness training" ~Mrs. Sewell
Examples of intentional infliction of emotional distress: "Handing a mother her stillborn child in a gallon jar of formaldehyde" ~Legal and Ethical Textbook (seriously this is written in my textbook)


  1. oh jessica! this post made me smile so much. : )

  2. Hahahha....i was laughing out loud at the quotes....my roommate probably thinks i'm on crack..
