Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 57: CABG

I got to watch open heart surgery! CABG x 2 using the mammary artery and great saphenous vein. It was super cool and all the nurses and doctors in the room were really great teachers. One of the doctors decided to quiz me periodically and I answered all of his questions correctly!! Yay me! Probably the coolest part was after they opened the patient's chest, you could see her beating heart and every time she breathed her sternal incision would open up as her rib cage expanded and you could see everything. I got to watch them stop the patient's heart (with potassium, one of the dr.'s questions), but I was standing at the patient's head so everything was upside down for that was different. And this may sound weird, but I REALLY wanted to take a picture of it. I also REALLY wanted to touch her heart...but I know that is not sterile and they would have practically killed me if I'd tried but that would have been SO cool!
SO, since I couldn't touch it or take a picture I found this picture I drew when Mrs. Milner taught us about the heart last year...So this was basically what it looked like:

except the heart wasn't cut in half...just use your imagination, pretend it's beating and there's lots of fatty tissue everywhere.

Quote of the Day: "It's just like everything else in life. The dog won't do it because he knows that women are stingy..." ~Dr. B

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