Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kids Are Like Bugs

My roommate's sister and her husband were discussing how children are like bugs...and if you think about it there are a lot of similarities...
  1. they are attracted to food
  2. they are always in your face
  3. they can destroy a house in minutes
  4. the quiet ones are usually the ones doing the most damage
  5. some are smelly, others are annoying
  6. they hard to get rid of and seem to multiply
  7. they can eat you out of house and home
  8. they get more active when it warms up
  9. they are always underfoot
  10. only some of them bite
  11. you have to watch where they crawl
  12. they always seem to find you when you're on the toilet
Can you think of any other similarities?

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