Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 247: 8 Things about today

1. I LOVE my new roommate! She made me cinnamon rolls for breakfast today!
2. I have the coolest bedding in the world!

3. This random guy that I don't even know helped me push start my car today and it felt like God was saying, "hey, I see you. I love you. I'm going to take care of you so stop freaking out!"
4. I have a bruise on my shoulder that really hurts and I don't know how I got it
5. Another random guy helped me push start my car at the auto parts store so that I could get it out of the parking lot...Jesus really loves me
6. My sister is the best for helping me hang pictures in my room
7. Casey sucks for not hanging out with me today
8. God is Awesome

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