Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 253: Windy Days

The other day a friend of mine asked me what I thought would be the coolest way to get proposed to, and since I'm basically convinced that I'm never getting married I kinda didn't answer. I've never really thought about how I'd want to be proposed to because quite frankly I've never dated anyone that I'd want to marry...but today I saw the coolest proposal. It wasn't anything spectacular but it was unique and special...and all of it was captured by professional photographers. How cool is that?!

then they took their "engagement photos" in a book store! I don't know who these people are but I am completely jealous of their pictures

after looking at these pictures my picture of the day is sooooo lame...but here it is anyways

We have a wind chime outside and it makes me want to just sit outside.

I'm glad that fall is almost here and its not as hot outside

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