Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Day in the Life of Me

0545- Woke up at. have to be at work between 6:38-6:45
0546- Went back to sleep
0615- Woke up, forgot I was supposed to go to work. went back to sleep.
0625- Woke up. confused, thinking "why is my alarm going off?? Oh crap!"
0645- Clocked in!!
0730- Discovered a new eczema spot behind my left ear...
0731- Convinced myself that I either
a) have leprosy or
b) contracted some sort of rash causing disease
0740- Convince Batman [my nickname for one of the doctors at our hospital] to look at my leprosy and tell me what it is
0745- GOOD NEWS: its just eczema!!! BAD NEWS: it still itches like the dickens!!
0900- The pharmacy finally opens so I can buy cortizone cream
1040- We (me+the nurse I'm orienting) get 4 discharges and 2 admissions all at the same time
1100- It's hot, I feel nauseated
1300- LUNCH
1500- It's 110 degrees hot that the air feels like its not working. I start to get Nauseated again because it's so hot... I'm now itching everywhere...99% positive I have a heat rash
1900- Night shift!!! Yay!
2000-I found a potato in my kitchen cabinet ...only, I don't remember buying a potato...but unfortunately it remembers when I bought it...feeling nauseated for like the 10th time today
2100- I'm eating pasta, but its too hot and I drop it and somehow it burns my chest...still not sure how that happened

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