Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quote(s) of the Day:

Yesterday I spent some time with my friends. This is a list of quotes for the day...I couldn't pick the "QOTD" so I'm just going to list all of them. Feel free to vote for your favorite:

#1: You can use my shirt, it's softer
#2: well he got his cast off, so he's not all gimpy now
#3: Russia is closer to us than it is to Asia!
#4: Wait, Russia is in Asia??
#5: Every time he sits down I think, "are you licking your penis?"
#6: You know what I like? hey, EYE CONTACT!
#7: you don't have to be fast to be a bar tender, you just have to pour the drinks
#8: if you say peanuts a lot, it sounds like penis
#9: we don't lick lipstick in this house!
#10: You can either face your fears and have them sit in your lap, or have the fear that they'll bite your kneecap
#11: I wonder if I could crawl through that hole and stand in that window and dance...
#12: He's like a sea of smells...and sweat...and regret
#13: If a cop says papers and I say scissors, do I win??
#14: Where's your hand?!
#15: Glaciers have killed people in the past.
#16: That's where they found the cast of deliverance.

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