Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Attention Grocery Store Employees

Dear Publix bag boy,
Do you enjoy bagging peoples groceries? Are forced casual conversations the highlight of your day? Is that green vest you wear, your favorite fashion accessory? If you answered yes to any of these 3 questions then you seriously need to reconsider your life...
Do they require you to start meaningless banter with customers? Yes captain obvious, I did just get off work. Although, I'm not sure how you knew that! Was it my name badge stating my occupation and place of employment hanging precariously above a small stain of unknown origin (which, I'm still not sure what that is...); or the fact that all of my make-up has been rubbed off from the number of times that I had to brush my hair back with my arm/shoulder; or better yet, was it my half-hazardly placed up-do that at this point in the day is just barely keeping my hair out of my face. Maybe it was the distinct smell of old people permeating my clothes and skin... but whatever it is, saying "Ooooh, you just got off from work..." and making a face that lets me know that I look as tired and worn out as I feel, is exactly the LAST thing I want to hear from the bag boy at publix as he is not so silently judging me for buying chocolate cake. Just cause I'm buying a chocolate cake and a gallon of milk does not mean that I'm planning on having people over to help me eat it. So your little comments about how you hope I have "fun with my friends tonight" and "where's the party" are far from being appreciated... And yes the reason I pretended to forget something was to go back and trade that beautifully delicious chocolate cake for a smaller individualized slice because your judgmental glances made me feel guilty for skipping boot camp this morning ...but sometimes, a girl just wants to eat chocolate cake!
And for future reference, if someone comes in and looks like death, then maybe you shouldn't do everything in your power to point that out...your boss and the future patrons of Publix would appreciate that greatly.
a Kroger shopper