Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Seeing old college professors in normal everyday life places feels like spotting a unicorn in your backyard

...I am such a creeper for taking this picture...

and speaking of unicorns:

This is a picture from the book I'm reading "Stuff Christians Like" by Jonathan Acuff
it's from a part titled: Wishing you had an easy job, like working at a church. It's very funny!

Have you ever read a really funny book in a public place and literally laughed out loud? ...and then looked up to discover that your laughter is apparently disturbing the peaceful silence of the other patrons in the room...cause they are all now looking at you as if you are some crazy psychotic person listening to voices in your head ...yeah that was me today...and then I talked on the phone for like an hour right next to these girls who were obviously discussing the facts of life or some kind of deep hearted travesty cause my joyous demeanor and jovial conversation seemed to be irritating them greatly

1 comment:

  1. Great post! No, I haven't laughed out loud, but I do walk to work with my headphones on and sometimes am singing outloud and shaking my butt to the music!
