Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dating Advice...from the single girl...

Today I went by the church and got to have a quick preview of this week's offertory, and let me just say that I was blown away! Watching Madison play guitar is cool enough, but she also has an AMAZING voice! And I already know that soon enough all the little teenage boys will see her and I'll have to kill them, or lock her in a closet... Either way when Maddie heard me talking about it, she said "whatever, boys don't like me" ...and that was when I remembered being a teenage girl. Girls are suckers for athletic blue-eyed boys with any amount of musical ability, or at least I
Looking back, I wish I knew then what I know now. Cause the boys really do like you, they pick on you and are mean cause they just don't know how to talk to you.... so for all you boys out there that are still in the picking on girls stage, if you like a girl just ask her out. I know rejection is a big fear, but if she laughs at your jokes then you're in. And I can honestly say that I've never said no to a guy that asked me out...face to face (one time a guy asked me out in a facebook message and I said no...but that's a different story). And guys, all of those pretty girls that seem so intimidating usually don't even know that they're pretty. They are most likely sitting at home every night wondering what's wrong with them...cause in reality, they just want to hear someone say that they are beautiful. And since we're being all honest tonight, I can honestly say that every guy that has looked me in the eye and told me that I was beautiful (and really meant it) I have kissed...all 3 of them. Also, if you like a girl, don't wait. Cause after a while she's gonna think you're not interested and move on...most likely to some guy that's a jerk and she's gonna call you to tell you all about how he's a jerk...which will suck even more for don't wait!
And girls, try to avoid the jerks. You will inevitably wind up falling "in love" with one at some point in your teenage/young adult life and your heart will be repeatedly broken by said jerk until one day you come to your senses and realize that you deserve so much more. And never settle, cause that's usually when you meet the jerks.
That's just some advice from a successfully single woman, so you can take it with a grain of salt, but there's a lot of truth in there...

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