Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 155: Bible Wars

I also got another graduation gift today! Its a new bible! I'm probably one of the only people in the world to get this excited about a new bible. To explain, I've been bible shopping for about 6 years now. I just can't seem to find a bible that I like enough to buy to replace my old one. I've had my bible (the one that I know like the back of my hand) since 3rd grade and it has been threw a lot. Large sections of it's pages are falling out (like the entire book of Revelation). There are so many book marks and stuff shoved into it that I'm pretty sure I can turn to any book of the bible by sifting through the bookmarks. It was chewed on by a puppy that I rescued (now she lives with my sister-in-law's mom, been there for about 9 years), somehow survived the wreck that I was in when I was 15 (and miraculously doesn't have any blood on it...which is kinda a big deal since my dad's ear got cut off in that wreck), it went all the way up the east coast to New York and Canada and all the way down to Mexico with me, and it has been the one book that I have read almost every day of my life for the past 13 years....(I say almost because I will be the first to admit that I don't read my bible everyday, I know I'm a dirty heathen and I'm totally working on that). In December I bought a small bible to take with me to Haiti, but it has never taken the place of "my bible" if that makes since. SO today when I opened up the present from Daniel and Courtney and saw that I had a new big girl bible, I was pretty excited ...and a little uneasy because I'm having a hard time letting go of my old fact I think I'm gonna keep it but just retire it from trips and church. ...We'll just have to wait and see if I can convert to this new bible...I'm not sure how this process is going to work out

I think it's pretty easy to figure out which bible I've had the longest

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