Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 160: Dang, Jesus Drives Slow Sometimes!

I had to take the girls to meet their Nana and Papa today. The car was so empty after they got out....

Speaking of cars, I follow a blog called Stuff Christians Like by Jon Acuff, and today's post was kinda about a car...well it was a good post so you should read it. Here's and excerpt from the post: Pretending the Steering Wheel is Enough

I think about names sometimes. Justin Timberlake's name seems kind of fake too. It's almost too awesome, like if my name was "Jonathan Mountainstream." Please call me that from here on out. The real reason I think about Carrie Underwood sometimes though isn't her name, it's her song, "Jesus take the wheel."

The benefit of a country song is that, much like a Steven Seagal movie, you can figure out the entire thing from the title. A girl is out of control in her life and needs Jesus to take the wheel. I get that, and often I do that. I surrender my life or something I am chasing to Jesus. I “Underwood” the whole situation and give Jesus the wheel.

But if I’m honest, most of the times I give him the wheel, but I don’t give him the gas pedal.

His hands might be firmly placed on the steering wheel, but I’m over in the passenger seat stretching my left leg and trying to press down on the gas pedal. Dang, Jesus drives slow sometimes! And it’s up to me to press his be-sandaled foot down hard on the gas so we can get this car that represents my life in the fast lane.

sometimes I wish Jesus would drive a little faster...

1 comment:

  1. I have been "catching up" on this blog I didn't know about today...I have laughed and cried...gotten extremely homesick...wishing we all lived closer...then I read thie one...and it is so true...I feel that way all the time! Drive Faster Jesus!!! Love you! Beej
