Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 157: Swagger Wagon

I LOVE my church! Jimmy (the pastor) is preaching on parenting and influence and today in church we watched the Toyota Sienna commercial about the Swagger wagon, it's should watch it. We also have 2 groups going to Costa Rica on a mission trip and the 1st group leaves tomorrow (my sister and brother-in-law included). We got to pick up these prayer bracelets today (each bracelet has one of the mission team people's name with it and you're supposed to pray for that person every day).

Well, Taylor saw mine and said "I need one so that I can remember to pray for mommy and daddy while they are helping the little kids that don't have any shoes." So we got her a bracelet and she immediately said, "Jessica, can I say 'now I lay me?'" (referring to the popular children's bedtime prayer poem). When I told her no and why she said, "ok, can you teach me how to pray for mommy and daddy?" So we said a quick prayer and then Taylor said, "ok, that was good, but I'm gonna do it my way now." And my dear sweet 3 year old niece said the sweetest little prayer. I wish that I could remember it word for word because it was a better said prayer than even what some adults say, and it was so kinda made me want to cry. That whole faith like a child concept is really beginning to have new meaning for me.

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