Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 171: Estoy muy contento!

Sundays have pretty much always been my favorite day of the week for as long as I can remember. I usually spend most of the day at church either learning about God's word or having some good Christian fellowship, and we always go to lunch (Sunday lunch is really a pretty big deal in the South and I've only recently realized that its not like that everywhere...which is kinda sad, cause that's one of my favorite parts about Sunday). I always feel so refreshed at the end of the day. This Sunday was a very special day for me cause I officially joined the church that I've been attending for the past 4 years (long story for why I didn't join 4 years ago...extenuating circumstances). I absolutely LOVE this church, it's part of the reason that I decided to live in Macon and now that I don't have to worry about school and studying all the time, I get to really be involved and I am SO excited about that! In fact I only have a week of "freedom" left before I start my career (boy is that weird to say), and I'm spending it working with the kids for VBS. And as Jimmy talked about in his sermon today "Estoy muy contento!" I am very content, satisfied, pleased with where God has brought me in life and I am eager to know what He has planned next!

Today was also Father's Day! We went to our traditional Father's Day meal at Sticky Fingers
had to get a picture of Jeremy with his girls!

this picture totally captures Blake's silly personality. She was squeezing Jeremy's nose and saying "beep beep" her!

Quote of the Day:

"Today is Father's Day. Do you remember how on Mother's Day it was Mommy's Day? Well today is Father's Day so its Daddy's Day" ~Ren
"and after that it's gonna be Jessica's Day?" ~Taylor

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