Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36: I like commas, I sprinkle them like pepper...

I discovered several things this week:
1. I will barter for baked goods. (I spoke on a Women's Sexual Diversity Panel so that I could get free brownies...)
2. I know like 20 people (that I actually talk to pretty regularly) who were born in February.
3. There is a small brick retention wall in the bushes next to my house (I wish the retention wall behind my house was brick instead of stacked railroad ties...maybe then we wouldn't have roaches living in it)
4. Rain boots are quite possibly the greatest thing ever invented, but boys don't wear them {although, they will wear snake bite boots (which are also water resistant) but only if there is a possibility that they will be bitten by a snake}
5. The "Jesus Picture of the Day" on Matthew Paul Turner's blog "jesus needs new pr" are hilarious and surprisingly disturbing at times...
6. I really like commas ...and ellipses (is that the plural for ellipsis?)
7. My room is very dark.
8. There is a light in my upstairs hallway.
9. Having a light bulb in it make the stairs/hallway much brighter.
10. Using that light does not decrease my chance of falling down the stairs.