Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 140: Aunt Mommy

I've kinda been playing the "mommy" role so that Ren and Jeremy can get stuff done before we leave for vacation, and I just have to say that this is really good birth control (not that I'm planning on trying to have any kids right now, just for future reference). Now I absolutely LOVE my nieces, but they wear me out. I honestly do not know how Ren has the energy to go to work, train for a marathon, come home, cook dinner, play with the girls, clean the house, and answer the billions of questions that Taylor asks while trying to keep Blake from completely demolishing everything or eating something (I swear she's like a goat, she had grass in her mouth the other day...I don't even know where she got it, we were inside all day). But it's not all bad...they make me laugh and there are definitely more good moments than bad. But I know that I am not ready for that stage of life. I realize that Ren has Jeremy and he does a lot too, and maybe I'll feel different if I get married one day, but for the foreseeable future, I don't want kids. I am perfectly happy to just be an aunt...even though Blake forgets my name and calls me "maa" and tries to put her dirty diapers in my room and punched me in the face (she somehow poked me in the eye and busted my lip at the same time) and Taylor tries to boss me around, I love those 2 little girls! I mean, seriously, how could you not love this face:

(I also doubt that my kids would be as pretty as Taylor and Blake or as cute as Brett and Jake...I wouldn't want to give them a complex about being the "homely" kids of the family)


  1. Your kids WON'T be homely!! If you ever decide to have any. And that's hilarious that Blake managed to beat you up! ; )

  2. Jessica you will have darling children (!!!) but yeah I totally agree....i do not want kids anytime soon...i say this as a i watch my 3 year old "cousin" who is sick and is therefore in a bad mood and won't talk to times.
    By the way...the girl from cloudy with a chance of meatballs has EXTREMELY big eyes, like over half the size of her head big...impractical folks.
