Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 111: I kinda scalped the yard...

I mowed my parents' grass today...which is impressive cause I haven't used a lawnmower in years, but now my hands are blistered and so sore that it kinda hurts to type...and I have some pretty sweet tan lines from my keens...and by sweet I mean that my feet just look dirty...
My mom said that living in the "big city" has made me a wimp and all I could say was "Yeah, the big ole city of Milledgeville has spoiled me...."
but there are some things that only really work in places like Effingham. For example: we gave someone directions to my parents house and I said "its the first subdivision on your right after the rope swing by the river" and they knew exactly what I was talking about. When I was little we lived out in the middle of no where but there was this huge shrimp boat in the field across from the road that we lived we'd tell people to turn left when you see the shrimp this day I don't think I could name more than 5 roads in Effingham County. In fact the only way I know what road my brother lives on is that it's right next to Peavy Pond (that's not the real name of that pond, but my Uncle Jessie named it that about 18 years ago cause my dad always got his truck stuck in it)

I also got to see Jake again! He's pretty much the only thing that I've taken pictures of lately...

but I must say that this picture kinda makes him look fatter than he really is...

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