Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 115: Road Stupidity

This has just not been my week.
My back is still bothering me and it kinda hurts to drive because any sharp movements and a sharp pain kinda radiates down my legs, and I drive an I can't really just sit there. On my way home from Effingham today this guy decided that his car needed to be in front of mine...only my car was beside him when he decided I could look through my passenger window and see him.... Long story short, he almost ran me off the road and I had to hit the brakes and all that fun stuff, which made my back hurt and I might have also yelled a few unkind words in that car's general direction. I kinda wanted to follow him but then I realized that I wouldn't know what to do when he finally stopped so I didn't...
However I did follow this one guy home the other day. I was driving my dad back to his house and we stopped for a school bus to let off some kids and this idiot decides that he's going to drive around me and go in between me and the school bus...which is stopped. I started yelling at him (but I don't have road rage, I just have a very low stupidity tolerance). And since we were in my parent's neighborhood and this guy lived on the way to my dad's house, we followed him and my dad got out to talk to him. He claims that he didn't see us...but he admitted that he was stupid so I was happy.
I wish there was way to let people know when they're being stupid, especially while driving. You can honk your horn but people don't really listen to it. I want to be able to say hey you're stupid and then a sign magically appear on the stupid person's car that says "you're right I'm stupid..." and then in finer print have an apology to humanity for that person's idiocy...that would make me happy...

and my fan is still not fixed. I asked my landlord 2 weeks ago to come fix it's incredibly hot upstairs.

I would try to fix the fan myself but my landlord said that he installed it himself...deduct from that what you will... So my back hurts, I'm hot, and this fan is stupid...and I kinda wish that it would apologize for being stupid....needless to say, I'm a little cranky.

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