Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 98: Fun Dip

I must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. First I forgot to make my lunch last night, so I had to throw something together at the last minute. Then I almost left my house without shoes...not a good thing when you have to work a 12 hour shift in the hospital. When I finally got in the car I realized that I forgot to take any medicine for my allergies... Then while I as in the hospital I kept running into things, which really isn't that abnormal but people were actually around to notice my clumsiness today. But surprisingly overall, I had an awesome day at the hospital! And it was all made better because it finally rained today! When I left the hospital the yellow haze was gone! All the pollen had been washed away and I was able to breathe!!! Even though my white uniform got wet and by the time I got in my house I was completely soaked, I was still so excited that it rained!

I came home and found some Easter candy that my niece unknowingly shared with me. This was one of my childhood favorites:

We spent a lot of time at the ball field when I was little and I can still remember sitting under the bleachers eating fun dip during my brothers' baseball games. Some of my other favorite summertime candy included: lemon heads, fire balls, and blow pops (I used to get a blow pop and a coke and dip the blow pop in the coke...I don't know why)

Quote of the Day:
"Hello, I'm a dark menacing cloud"~ Bethany

1 comment:

  1. aww what good childhood memories!! : ) and FUN DIP is the BEST! : )
